
Friday, May 06, 2011

The game of musical chairs

Many people have played this game. For those that don't know about it, well, Google it, or something like that.

I think of that game as an analogy of what is probably happening in the USA these days. The past 100 years or so of the status quo of two national political parties is coming to an end. And a new national political party is arising kind of like normal, if history is any indication. All this will probably happen in the time up until 2020 or so.

During the interim, several ideas come to mind.

One is who might compose or join this new party. I suspect it will be a lot of former democrats, former republicans, and former independents.

Another is how this "party" will come about. It may be more a "movement" than a party.

Last, where I live, I still hope we have a third choice other than whoever the two present national parties nominate. Maybe there will be more than just three choices. And keep in mind there are many more elections than just the federal presidential election going on.

The game was fun when I played it in kindergarten. Governing the USA, to include our well being, is probably more than a game, or theory, or otherwise do-gooder intention. Most people know this already.

So like the game of musical chairs, someone is always left out when the music stops, and the game then goes on until the end when one is left standing. I suspect much the same will happen to how we end up governing ourselves in the next decade or so.

Lord hope we USA citizens depend less on luck, and more on just being ourselves.

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