The three courses of actions method
By my personality and professional training, I always offer alternatives to solving problems I present. Hence I apply this method to our present federal indebtedness that affects our USA nation today. That is the identified problem.
To me there are practical alternatives, as well as political alternatives. I take that into account. Consider this method in how you vote.
Alternative 1: Do nothing. Just muddle through and address each result as it affects us. This alternative has the advantage of deferring probable painful outcomes. It does defer the initiative to others than today's citizens and their politicians. This alternative will take about two years or more to reach down to the school board, city, county, and state levels, like 2014 or later. And the others are those that have been loaning us money so far.
Alternative 2: Live within our means, which is not what has been happening the last few decades. All these wonderful benefits will come to an end as priorities are set by our politicians. This practical alternative will have obvious political effects as the "aggrieved" use their votes to protect their interests. This commotion, or adjustment, will take probably five years or more. Many will find out happiness is not always connected to benefits. Many societal shifts will occur to reflect the decisions made.
Alternative 3: A combination of Alternatives 1 and 2. This alternative assumes it took the USA decades to get into this present mess, and it will take decades to get out of it. Hence, use the idea of laws and procedures that guide new world USA society along in the direction we want to head. Said another way, one has to accept that actions (and laws) have consequences. For example, imagine our future generations not being able to buy a house because they have to instead work three months a year just to pay the interest on the debt this generation is incurring. Plus their old ancestors are moving in with them after Social Security failed.
Along the way, we in the USA do not exist in a vacuum, both now, and in our future.
So what happens around the world if so many that depend on USA consumption can no longer depend on jobs to feed that consumption. After all they want to have families, and be warm and fed, too.
So bottom line: decisions will be made, like it or not. And the three courses of action method is one way to go in influencing your vote.
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