
Monday, May 17, 2010

Let’s come home

We USA Americans are pretty neat. But we also eventually act in our own self interest, like protecting us, our families, and our future.

Along the way, we also think about the future of those we have conquered. This is unique in human history, I would propose. Now some other smart peoples have done similar things, too. And of course, done it in their way and during their times and locations. Inter marrying is one common technique.

We were attacked, or so I think most believe this. The vivid reports and videos about what happened in NYC on September 11th, 2001 say it all.

And we responded, too. In Afghanistan, we were smart and quick using the CIA and buckets full of cash to buy off adversaries. Along the way our Special Forces also did a fine job in getting the mission done. Anyway, we were defending ourselves from future attacks from that country’s political Taliban Party that supported the Al Qaeda people that wanted to kill and hurt us. And we, as a USA, did “good”.

Along the way, east met west, again. The longest lasting empire was not Rome (600 years), but Byzantium (1000 years), and the latter folks did it by blending west with east, mostly values and standards. Those who think they are so smart now should be introduced to their ancestors, who were smart, too.

What seems to be repeating itself is the self assurance that education, mostly college and more focused in NE USA Ivy league, gives us an advantage. While it may, many, like me, think it limits us, as a USA government if our government has hired these people in preferences; then we have hired a ruling class. And we have even elected those who are doing the “hiring”.

And so now it seems that our present government defines a mission in Afghanistan today as “nation building”. Sorry, but I thought when we got in to this miserable place on the earth, we were just defending ourselves.

Now let me define miserable place on earth. Try reading H.G Wells “Outline of History” first published in 1928, as an example.

Let’s come home from Iraq, too. The Brits and Russians have already done it, and I think we should, too. Just Google “the Durand Line” and then decide if you still want to support these old time 1890 diplomats decisions. Just what is “our mission” today.

Now if we do this kind of proposal, then things may be terrible, like a nuclear war between Pakistan and India, or a civil war in China that will probably go nuclear, too. Welcome to the future, and the horrible and terrible things like down range impacts, mostly weather determined. Now it will happen, just when. What a terrible state of humanity, which we humans made happen.

In the meantime, let us USA Americans come home. We have hearts and minds, too.

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