
Saturday, January 02, 2010

These are momentous times in America
Much change is going on. Did we vote for it?
Now all say their times are momentous, but this time period may be really different. You decide. Seldom in one’s lifetime can one report to their heirs how they perceived what was going on at the time, as in their lifetime and experience. And the recession is only part of it, I think.
The basic functions of any government, mostly to protect and enhance our wellbeing seems to be assumed, or going federal or to do more local things we can influence. Meanwhile all I want from the government is the most basic things like local home defense (like police protection), water and septic service, and maybe even national defense. A little electricity to keep my refrigerator and freezer would help, too. For all this I expect to pay taxes, and get results. After that, we are on our own.
Now does my vote count, at the local, county, state, and federal levels? I hope so!
Those who may try usurp our votes by their means may condemn themselves to waste bins that may embarrass them in the long run.

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