
Thursday, November 19, 2009

These are momentous times

All times are momentous, but these days there is much change coming, and already going on.

Mostly it is in the new world, America, but also it is around the whole world.

We humans have so much in common, to include going cold and hungry, that unites us as humans. And generally, we humans can elect our politicians to help ourselves and our kids, most of the time and in most places. It is the ability to vote that makes change, normally, possible. But also revolutions and civil wars are another way to do the same. And this is coming too, I think.

When people think their leaders; elected, royalty, manipulated elections, tribal, or whatever; think their leaders are not doing a good job, like their families and health are threatened, then change will come. It’s inevitable. Yes, these are momentous times.

Return to America, the best example of humanity is doing well without all the other old world problems our ancestors emigrated from. We are the new world human world example, at least for today. This is not just some academic idea, just look at the emigration flows. People have been emigrating with their feet and pocket books. There is something good going on in America. And this idea is beyond just our natural resources to exploit.

What we in the USA should thank our ancestors for it is both our Constitution, and the idea of a constitution that promotes ideas like the rule of law, and also recognizes our human faults. No one is above the law, including our governments, to include our executives and our legislatures. Much lip service is given to the idea of honest differences of opinion, but I hope it happens under the idea of a vote.

Some has been said of the biggest fault in the idea of democracy in America, mostly in our republican form of government. Bottom line, our votes, and efforts to vote, count. Those like community organizers that promote using tax payer money to benefit their causes and people are a minority. The majority have families and ancestor and problems, too. And they need help, too. And if they vote, things, and change, will come.

Yes, much change is coming.

Helping our poor is a big deal. Helping our other Americans is a bigger deal. Helping our deadbeats is a waste of time.

It is time to vote about those that favor poor and deadbeats over the rest of us. Priorities do matter.

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