Our vote does count
And it is local, state, and federal, all which affect our lives and safety and our children’s future. This pretty much is the function of governments, though that might not be the case today in too many places. After all, some governments are better than others.
Governments at all levels should not be a jobs program, period. Government’s priorities should be to serve the people's common interests, first. Police, fire, water, and waste water come to mind, as does transportation. These governments depend on our tax payments, which we have been paying routinely.
And I think we Americans will use our vote, vice having a revolution. The idea of driving down the interstate and being intercepted or shot is simply beyond me. Pitch forks in the streets may have happened elsewhere in history, but probably will not happen here in the USA today. At least I hope so. Having lived in countries like this, it is not an enjoyable American experience if it should happen here.
The idea of an imperial Congress really suggests our leaders follow their (and their staffs) own instincts, and perks. What we the people think is a lesser consideration. That seems to be the status quo these days. Whether these politicians can change, or just be voted out, is up to we Americans.
A new national party seems to be an obvious result, even if it takes years. Many members will come from the present Republicans and Democrats, as well as others. Third party efforts like TR and the Bull Moose Party, Strom Thurmond, George Wallace, John Anderson, and Ross Perot were all base on individuals. This prediction is based on an idea, like the idea of a Whig Party, which went under decades ago based on its ideas, and corruption. The name of this new party is still evolving, I think.
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