
Monday, March 05, 2007

How much of our culture is formula?

How much of us is formula?

The idea of formula is that if you do A, B, C and so on, you should expect to get such and such a result. This seems to apply especially to music, advertisements for about anything, and political candidates.

Does it seem like there is a greater rash of ads that must include Negros way beyond the percentage of the population, includes original music from the 60’s, and includes well orchestrated and controlled political events, to include mailed DVD’s, that are formulated to get us to act in a predictable way. Personally, I resent it, and don’t appreciate the idea that I can be controlled in my behavior by a “formula” conceived and directed by an expert; often too inexperienced to know the difference between sales success and common sense and decency. And the herd mentality seems to apply to those who do “formula” since there is too much commonality in what they do as A, B, C, etc. Hence the apparent commonality of what is on cable TV these days.

To start with, I resent the idea that the “formula” promoters may be right, that is they can get us to act in predictable ways. Then the condescending ideas of using race and old time 60's music are, well, condescending in their blatant transparency to apply whatever this industry uses as a “formula” today. Maybe I am a dinosaur, maybe I (age 58) have been superceded, at least culturally, and maybe politically. After all, the “formula” promoters are making a living, at least for now. But they are not on the right side of history, I believe.

There is “formula”, and there are values. What is important to Families and their children are values. Temporary sways from media delivered “formulas” are always overcome in the long run by values. This idea is historical. Nothing supercedes our interest in our Families and their long term interests.

So why are the “formula” people wasting their time? Obviously, they think not since somebody is paying them to apply “formula” to us. Maybe they believe they are right, at least in the short term. My hope for the Nation is that we citizens think longer term. Of course we will think about our Families. And I expect the idea of our united states of our national interests will come through. And this is just the political side. Imagine the buying side impacts?

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